Photo: Phillip Wong sur Flickr
Exit permit
The local authorities, Moquadem (representative of the Caïd), will see to it that these licences are distributed at the homes of the citizens, and it is not necessary to travel to the administrative headquarters. Moreover, this document can be extracted from the website “”, which has been designated for this purpose by the Ministry of the Interior.
These authorizations are reserved for adults who can accompany children under their responsibility, if it is an absolute necessity and within the limits of the declared exceptions. The Ministry of the Interior confirms that the exceptional exit permit remains valid from the moment it was first received until the end of the health emergency period. It is sufficient to tick the box indicating the reasons why the signatory has left the home. This document is a declaration on honour bearing the signature of the person concerned.
For more information, please consult (in Arabic) the following link.

For further information please consult the following link.
Translation of the exit permit (English)
Moroccan Kingdom
Ministry of the Interior
Exit permit
I, the undersigned:
Mr/Mrs/Ms (surname and first name): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………National identity card number: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
That I’m going out for the reason (check the correct answer):
For work (sector and location)
To buy the food I need in my neighborhood
To see a doctor
To buy medicines
For an emergency (after approval by the authorities)
Your signature
Signature of the competent authority
Exit permit for professional purposes
This certificate should be issued, signed and stamped by the employer, in particular human resources director or the company director, and should contain the following information:
Company information (Name of Human Resources Manager, Company Trade Register number);
Surname and first name of the person concerned;
CIN number/stay card;
Nature of professional activity;
Place of exercise of the professional activity.
Important note: All the translations presented above are unofficial. The doucments themselves, in Arabic, are linked to the original sources that published them.