Photo: Phillip Wong sur Flickr
Exceptional authorisations for circulation
Application procedure
For all merchants who wish to have an exceptional authorization for work reasons during the containment period due to COVID-19, please submit an application which consists of:
- Home address + telephone number;
- Explicitly determine the direction and intended destination;
- The application must be signed and stamped;
- The application must be accompanied by the trade registery file of the business;
- The application must be accompanied by the registration number of thevehicle used;
- Surname, first name and date of birth of the person driving the vehicle used.
For more information, please consult the following link.
April 19, 2020: The exceptional authorizations to circulate, delivered within the framework of the sanitary confinement related to the fight against the coronavirus until April 19, remain valid until April 29, following the extension of the said confinement, announced Sunday the services of the wilaya of Algiers.
The document in question is issued by the services of the regulatory and general affairs directorates of the wilayas as well as by the delegated wilayas and dairas on the basis of a request supported by proof of the need to circulate during the confinement period.
For more information, please consult the following link.
13 May, 2020: After the government’s decision to extend the sanitary confinement for an additional two weeks, the services of the wilaya of Algiers informs that exceptional traffic permits must be renewed.
For more information, please consult the following link.

Authorization example
Pursuant to the provisions of Executive Decree No. 70-20 of 24/03/2020 specifying measures to prevent and combat the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic,
In view of the measures taken to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) at national level,
In view of the exceptional measures related to the confinement from seven o’clock in the evening (19:00) to seven o’clock in the morning (07:00) at the Bejaia governorate,
In view of the need to protect the public interest and ensure the continuity of the public service.
The following person : ……………………. (First and last name of the holder of this authorization)
Date and place of birth: …………………….
Personal address: …………………….
Job: …………………….
Committee: …………………….
Vehicle registration plate: …………………….
is authorized to travel during the above-mentioned home quarantine period to carry out tasks in the public interest, with a commitment to comply strictly with the legally prescribed health and prevention measures.
La validity of this authorization extends from ……………………. to.…………………….
The civilian and military authorities are requested to facilitate the movement of the holder of this authorisation.
For more information, please consult the following link.
Lawyers are exempted from the application for exceptional authorization to circulate
Lawyers are exempted from the application for exceptional leave, starting from April 21, 2020. Lawyers may move freely, for professional reasons only, upon presentation of their professional card.

Important note: All the translations presented above are unofficial. The doucments themselves, in Arabic, are linked to the original sources that published them.