02- 04 August, 2021

COVID-19: the government decrees a curfew from 9pm to 5am

In a press release published on August 2, the government announced a series of restrictive measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures will be applicable from 9pm on 3 August.

Here are the full measures decreed by the government:

– A nationwide night travel ban from 9pm to 5am.

– Ban on travel to and from the cities of Casablanca, Marrakech and Agadir. Excluded from this decision are vaccinated persons holding a “vaccination passport” certificate, persons with urgent medical conditions, persons in charge of transporting goods and merchandise, as well as public and private sector workers holding a “mission order” with a document signed and sealed by their work superiors.

– Closing of restaurants and cafés at 9 pm.

– Closing of hammams, gyms and indoor swimming pools.

– Gatherings and activities in closed and open spaces should not exceed 25 people, with the obligation to obtain a permit from the local authorities in the event of excess.

– Hotels and other tourist establishments should not exceed 75% of their capacity.

– Encourage teleworking in the public and private sectors, where permitted.

– Maintain all other precautionary restrictions previously approved in the event of a health emergency: prevent commemorative ceremonies, prohibit the organisation of weddings and parties, limit the capacity of public transport, restaurants, cafés and public swimming pools to 50%, restrict travel between workers and regions with the obligation to issue a vaccination certificate or with an administrative authorisation to travel issued by local authorities, etc.

For more information, please consult (in French) the following link.